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The Schemer


Bay's faction icon

The Schemer

Bay is the supreme survivor and master manipulator. Appearing weak and friendly to deceive his adversaries comes naturally to Bay, who is tired of watching the spoils of High Egyptian society from afar. As a low-born Canaanite, he understands that true power can be won through relationships as much as it can in battle. He may choose to rule Egypt via a puppet Pharaoh or assume a royal name to veil his foreign heritage. The rewards for being his ally are vast… at first. But it will not be long before he starts to take far more than he ever gave.

Play style

Master of intrigues and court politics; strong diplomacy; often outmatched in battle.

Unit style

Strong ambushers; access to Vanguard Deployment, Stalk and Sneak; weak face-to-face units and chariots; can take units from others.